Monday, February 14, 2011

The story you want it to be

Let's start a short lesson on the story you want it to be.

Do you want the story to follow a certain game or create a original story that doesn't follow the original story?

Do you want the characters to act normal or Out of Character (OOC) meaning making them do crazy stuff that make them end up in weird places or kill each other?

Well, it's up to you to decide which story you want to write! Go ahead, have fun!

Friday, February 11, 2011

Types of Genres

Okay, there are some types of Genres for your fanfic which will be soon be published. Well here are the names and descriptions for the genres

Adventure: A story that focuses on adventure

Romance: A love story that can go with adventure

Humor: A way to make fun of something in a story by making characters do crazy stuff and do weird adventures

Drama: Kinda like romance, but more serious

Hurt/comfort: A story where characters are hurt, heartbroken, etc and other characters help them through tough times

Tragedy: A sad story involving death of a depressed character

Suspense: A story that shows high amounts of drama and action

Parody: a strange way of editing a existing game, anime, book, etc

Sci-fi: A story involving strange things or adventures in the past or future

And that's it for now.

Here's another tip for choosing what category is good for you: Choose which gerne is good for you and have fun with it! Bye for now!

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Selecting the catagories you want

Okay, you have created the story you wanted to create and want to put in the first chapter on a site or forum. On a site which there may be lots of fanfiction sites, they have a category system.

Here's examples of categories.




Section of anime, games, book,s etc

Characters 1 and 2

Status: in Progress and Completed

and finally, the summary of your story.

Go and fill them out, if they have a menu like bar, it'll be much easily!

Here's a tip of the day: Try to make the best summary of the story as you can, sometimes, some sites have a word limit on a summary and you have to be more careful on writing the summary.

Stay tune for more rules, tips or tricks!

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Rule number 1: Always follow the Disclaimers

When inspirtation hit you, you want to turn that idea into a fanfic. Well, now let's get started. You can turn it into a normal story or crossover, depending on what you choose. But there are rules that need to be followed before you can submit your story on a site or forum: The Discilaimer.

The Disclaimer is a thing that states that you do not own material from a game, TV show, book, anime, etc and say the name of the companies that own them. If you refused to follow the disclimaer rules, you may get sued, or worse, get your fanfic off a site or get arrested, which is even worse.

Here's a exmaple of a disclimaer. (Note: Sorry, can't spell sometimes.)

Disclaimer: I do not own (Insert Name of game, anime, TV show, etc here) or it's characters, their respected companies do and will no way steal the copyrighted material for profit.

This is one of the rules that need to be followed if you want to make a fanfic. In case you're wondering what a fanfic is, it's a fan made story based on favorite anime, games, Tv shows, etc.

So there you go, the Disclaimer rule.

Here's a tip: If you have a Original Character you made or OC, you can put in this: I do however own my OC (Insert name of person, or people here).

I'll cover the OC part in a later post. Stay tune for more tips, rules or tricks!

Tuesday, February 8, 2011


Welcome to my Fanfic Tips and Tricks blog. This will be next to my Ties That Bind blog.

This is a blog dedicated to fanfic writing and tips and tricks on how to make a really good fanfiction story to post on certain sites that support fanfiction or forums that are not so rude and are friendly and support fanfiction.

I will teach you how to become a great fanfiction writer with some tips from some of my friends who write fanfics just like me. I don't want to brag, but some of my friends are good fanfic writers like me. So I will ask them on some tips for insprijng fanfic writers.


No trolling! I will not tolerlate them.

No spamming. Please don't spam on this blog.

Show what talents you have and creatitiy.

Tips that may appear:

Crossover story making.


Non crossover stories.

Romance stories

Comedy stories

and more.

Other than that, enjoy the blog. ^_^